Maps And Navigation:

The maps below anchor the information architecture designed to navigate 8 volumes spanning 1500 pages that form Being in it and being of it. The visual contours of the map mimic the geographical map of Sangam at Allahabad where the three rivers (the Ganga, the Yamuna and the Saraswati) meet. However, the areas demarcated using colour within the map along with position markers bearing flag symbols have no real geographical connection with the on-field layout of the Kumbh Mela. The usage of the map is contextual for and within the framework of the book; functioning as a visual intervention to steer the flow of the layered content. This system finds its application and usage in the footers of all the pages within the books; thus helping to orient appropriately while on any page of the book.

  • 8 volumes, each addressing a different aspect of the Kumbh Mela form Being in it and Being of it. Each of these aspects are represented by a colour, a considerable usage

  • of which is seen within the volume corresponding to the particular aspect of the Kumbh Mela. The key on the map explicates this.

  • Each volume follows a structure derived from the various styles of writing that form Being in it and Being of it. Each of these styles of writing is given a symbolic association through a differently shaped flag symbol.

  • This is replicated across all the 8 volumes to introduce a dynamic consistency. The key on the map explicates this.

Excerpted detail of the map from vol.2

Individually, each of the 8 volumes begin with a spread bearing a zoomed in map for that particular aspect and thus the corresponding volume. This map helps locate the reader within the series almost acting like a 'you are here' marker.

The map alongside is a part of Vol. 2: HISTORY, MYTHOLOGY, BELIEF. Orange is the assigned colour for this volume. This map bears the contents within the book seen with corresponding flag shaped symbols determining the nature of content ie the style of writing. In sync with the colour usage, all symbols for Vol. 2 are orange in colour. A key below the map explicates the symbols used.

For example, the flag bearing two tiny triangles one below the other stands for an interview. Therefore Vol. 2 has interviews with Kalyandasji Maharaj, Digambar Darshan Guru and Mahant Maheshwardasji. Similarly, the horizontal rectangular flag stands for a character story. Therefore, Vol. 2 bears two character stories titled, 'Of sadhu and satsang' and 'The Chronicler of the Kumbh’.

Vol. 2 is a part of an 8 volume series as indicated on the map.